Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Stop Masking Your Dog With Perfume: How To Get Rid Of Dog Smell

Get rid of Dog Odor

Pet owners and pet lovers from all walks of the world share the same struggles and frustration of trying to figure out how to get rid of dog smell.The truth is your pet odor problems are not unavoidable and can be controlled with the right cleaning regimen and cleaning product and allow you to spend your time enjoying the fringe benefits of dog ownership.Dogs are far more than a pet but can be better described as a life-long companion and important component in our lives but with any domestication of animals come the adjustments period of learning to balance human living peacefully with their animals. Now diving right into the pet odors issues, there are actually a number of factors that play into the dog body odor.

dog odor in house

The first and more commonly spoken about reason is your dog’s fur or coat containing a high amount of natural oils.Dog’s are born with natural oils that protect and maintain their coats but these very same oils are also known to contribute to dog body odors ,certain breeds of dogs such as labradors are born with naturally oily skin tends to be the cause of a higher level of pet odors.Now beyond the odor issues that come along with your dog body odors, you also have to be concerned with or worry about these oils be transferred onto your bedding, furniture, flooring, and carpeting. These oils don’t just stay on the dog either.

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What Causes Dog Body Odor

Now onto a simplified version of why your dog stinks? The most common and overlook reasoning behind dog odors could be the simple fact that your dog is just dirty, this could be because your fearless pooch rolled in something, maybe he/she went swimming and now smells like “wet dog”, or maybe it’s something more serious that can’t be fixed with a bath. Continue reading to learn what causes wet dog smell and how you can treat it.

The wet dog smell, in particular, is from the microorganisms that live in dog fur, including yeast and bacteria.When a dog gets wet, the water displaces and liberates these organic volatile molecules from the surface of the dogs fur, allowing them to find their way right into your nose,’ the chemists said.

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get rid of dog smell in house
How to Remove Wet Dog Smell

The problem with traditional pet shampoo is that they work to just mask the odors with perfumes and fragrances and do very little to actually break down or neutralize the odor. The OdorKlenz technology was designed to attack and neutralize wet dog smell and dog body odors without the use of fragrances or toxic chemicals.OdorKlenz Natural Pet Shampoo is your regular use shampoo with the added benefit of our advanced odor neutralizing technology built right in. Safe and gentle on pets, this product gets them clean and odor free. OdorKlenz Pet Shampoo removes the most stubborn pet odors such as wet dog smell, skunk spray, and dog body odor. The shampoo is gentle enough to use right on your pet but strong enough to remove the odors and leave your pet clean and odor free.

remove wet dog smell

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